Mental Considerations
In this ongoing series, I explore how I can refer to elementary feelings and needs using a minimum of resources to create somewhat disturbing frameworks, mirrors that echo the viewer’s inner world and represent our human inability to escape ourselves and truly grasp the complex world we live in.
More info below image gallery
“Mental Considerations”
Ongoing series
Sometimes you’re not exactly sure what you are looking for, maybe you didn’t even know you were looking, but then an image presents itself, almost by accident, and it becomes a new starting point.
This happened with the first image in this series. I started playing around with random items and experimented with different light situations. The abstract photograph that arose immediately triggered my interest and continued to haunt me. I wondered what it was that kept pulling me back towards it? Was it because of its ambiguity? Was it because of its failure to pinpoint what I was looking at? Its elusiveness clearly fascinated me. Was it the emptiness, the silence in the image that attracted me? Its simplicity, still referring to something recognizable, like our own mortality or loneliness?
I figured out that what the image visualizes for me is this thin layer, this membrane that I often experience interacting with others, between the other and myself and the mysterious world that surrounds me. In my photographic work I explore ways to visualize and interpret this intangible space and I asked myself how far I could push the limits of what can be photographed without loosing emotion or meaning. The dialogue, that emerges during the realization of the work, between myself, photography and the temporary sculpture I created, became a crucial part of the process.
In this series, I explore how I can refer to elementary feelings and needs using a minimum of resources to create somewhat disturbing frameworks, mirrors that echo the viewer’s inner world and represent our human inability to escape ourselves and truly grasp the complex world we live in.